Get in touch
01234 567 890


Our main business is supporting your business, providing you with human resource intelligence to enable you to make fully informed decisions when hiring new staff or considering a promotion to an existing staff member. 

We also provide analysis of work roles and environments that offer you an insight as to to where the pressure points and stressors are for all your staff. With that insight, you can support every member of your organisation to minimise stress and anxiety, increase staff retention and productivity. 

Last year over 12.5 million sick days were lost due to stress, anxiety and depression leaving business struggling with a staff salary that must be paid and the expense of a temp to fill the job role. Get in touch now to get a free report.
Free Report

What we offer


Psychometric Analysis

Psychometric Analysis helps to inform your decision before hiring or promoting an individual. We build a job specific ideal candidate analysis which can go along way to providing evidence of key skills & motivations and even longevity.

It's a very costly mistake to place someone is a role without support that fits the candidate.


Job Analysis

Understanding the specifics of a role and the potential stressors can help put in place the training & support a key member of staff needs to remain mentally fit, focused & productive. 

Over 12.5 million sick days were lost in 2019. Job specific Anxiety, Depression & Stress, left unsupported can create very stressful work environments.


Training for a Productive workplace

Training designed & delivered to offer a bespoke learning experience. We can adopt your training needs & provide qualification routes as well as deliver specific training around creating supportive & productive training environments.

We can take the burden of delivering cost effective training 


Employee Assistance Programs 

Working hand in hand with your HR department but also directly to your staff offering as needed on the spot psychotherapeutic support. 

Especially critical right now when home working is the norm & working social networks have been compromised.  

Call us now on 01234 567 890

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